Month: December 2021

Matthew Lloyd

Loved it! šŸ˜ This is an excellent spiritual memoir of someone’s faith journey toward the God of Christianity. While I would no doubt have issues with someone getting all of their theology from someone’s memoir and journal, I do believe it is helpful for us to consider how we find ourselves in similar situations. I …

Victoria Cessna

Finding God Again and Again by John J. Spitzer, M.D. (Archway Publishing, 2021) John Spitzerā€™s deeply personal spiritual memoir, more than 20 years in the making, takes the reader through his early life as a medical student and his three cancer battles and how they sent him in search of God. Raised in the Catholic …

Marcella Clancy, CSJ

This book could have many titles: The Story of Soul, The Seven Story Mountain, The Confessions of St. Augustine, The Dark Night of the Soul or The Interior Castle. What it shares in common with these books is the sacred story of an individual in search of God. How it differs makes it exquisitely relevant …

Mindfulness in Adolescents

This is the third part on the topic of Mindfulness after talking about it in infants and in children.Ā  See archived issues in September and October respectively, at Although apps can be useful to teens when they are trying to learn about mindfulness and the techniques to practice mindfulness (Headspace, Calm, Insight Meditation Timer, …

Humility and Faith

The themes of pride and humility pop up in my life frequently.Ā  It seems to me that this is one the major things Iā€™m supposed to work out in my life here on earth.Ā  Once more, I come face to face with these topics this week.Ā  I have been re-reading Thomas Mertonā€™s New Seeds of …